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Local Government Managers Australia (LGMA) held its first meeting in Brisbane on 3 August 1950.  Thirty councils were represented at this inaugural meeting which was led by Jim Slaughter, then Chair of Brisbane City Council.  That meeting resolved the formation of a Queensland Division of the Institute of Municipal Management.  Following the meeting, Articles of Association were adopted and the organisation was registered.

The aims of IMM Queensland included to elevate the profession of municipal clerks (local government CEOs in today's terminology), promote the development and improvement of the profession, promote honourable practice (what today we call good governance), share information and support members.  This also included:

"To provide facilities for social intercourse between members of the Institute and their friends; and
to promote good feeling and friendly intercourse amongst the members."

From that time, the Institute worked to support local government officers and achieved a range of notable successes including the introduction of a State Superannuation Scheme for local government officers, the development of a qualification for Clerks (this has since been abandoned but was of significant value to the sector for many decades), and a uniform system of accounting.

Since its commencement, LGMA has expanded its base and the range of services it provides considerably and in the past 15 years has significantly increased its capacity to support officers across the state through the provision of tailored leadership and management training - seeking to advance professionalism one officer at a time.  Today, all Queensland councils are affiliated with LGMA in some way and membership is spread across the state and through many different technical areas.  However, LGMA's core purpose has not changed; and that is to support local government officers in Queensland.

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